Fast Lot size calculation
"It's like one, two, three. Just as easy as can be."
(Simple, Florida Georgia Line)
Because you're supposed to be fast.
It has never been so easy to calculate the size of the position.
Enter any parameters you want to calculate your position and you can see at any moment how far your take profit / stop loss is, how much you can gain or how much you risk in money or in percent.
There are 65 combinations to set order
Use fixed Lot size and see your profit and risk
Calculate your Lot size from Stop Loss settings
Or calculate your Lot size from Take Profit settings
However, calculate your values before you place your order
All of this is available directly on the chart. You do not need any other calculator anymore.
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Drag'n'Drop TP and SL lines

"It's just that simple, S-I-M-P-L-E. Simple as can be."
(Simple, Florida Georgia Line)
This is something that is really missing in Meta Trader. The only way you can set TP and SL for your order is to type values for your levels through F9 window.
You know that, it takes a long time and it's annoying.
NOW, you can just click on the Price button and the corresponding line is displayed on the chart and you can easily set your TP and SL levels.
Click to Calculate button after and your position is calculated by your pre-set values.
BTW: Did you know that you can set entry level for your Pending order exactly the same way? Well, you can ;)
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Protect your Profit
"Cut your losses and let your profits run."
Order parameters are set and the order is placed in the market. But what now? When the market is against you, you are protected by Stop Loss. But what if the market is in your direction? Well, it's really the best case, but the struggle for profit is still not over.
Use additional Stop Loss tools to protect your profit.
Break Even
Trailing Stop Loss
Donchian Channel
... and let Trade Manager 4 Pro manage order(s) to the end.
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... or do you need more?
Let's look at the next features...
Partial Close

"Money in the market is money that is not at home."
Meta Trader has this functionality to partially close the position. But you have to do it manually whenever you want or need it. With Trade Manager 4 Pro you can automate this process.
Partial Close is another option how to protect profit or manage your losses positions.
Partially Close positions in Profit
Partially Close positions in Loss
(If you like.)
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Adding to profitable positions
Many times we'll get ourselves out of the win position too early. Just because we want to be cashed. But sometimes it's only psychic.
Pyramiding is adding to profitable positions when the market rises up in your direction and trend seems to be strong. On the other hand, despite the possibility of larger profit, the risk may not be increased if your parameters are pre-set properly.
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Averaging Down

"Get your Break Even point lower"
This strategy is favored by one group of traders and the opponents consider this strategy like very dangerous for trading account.
Averaging Down is adding to positions in loss when the market is opposite. This technique is more risky and it is assuming that instrument turns around. By averaging price your Break Even point is lower.
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Close Order Triggers
"The end is only new begining."
The new order can be opened immediatelly after another one was just closed. It can continue in the same direction (and more less to simulate a partial close feature) or it can be opened in the opposite direction.
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... or do you want still more?
Ok, let's look at the next features yet...
Stealth Mode and trading Spikes

Stealth Mode hides Stop Loss, Take Profit and Entry price of Pending Order from broker. (Just in case you want to hide them for some reason, because for example you want to hide your trading logic etc.)
Trade Manager 4 Pro will monitor your orders and open and close them at the right time.
Another feature that Stealth Mode provides is trading Spikes. What if the market price hit your Stop Loss and come back again (spike)? And what if the market price hit your Take Profit and close at better price (spike)?
Take Profit on Close (TPC) and Stop Loss on Close (SLC) will cover these cases for you and help you to get better results.
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Trading News
Do you want to trade some special News, but at the time of News you will be not a front of your trading platform? Exactly for these case Scheduler was developed.
Set your date and time and set the type of order you want to be executed.
But that's not all. Do you want to place your order(s) every day at specified time? Just choose days in the week and it's done.
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... and there is still much more!
I really recommend to experience it by yourself... and I will be really very happy to get your feedback.